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The next generation of zero waste leaders: bc菠菜论坛's summer 2020 internships

Aug 27 2020

在bc菠菜论坛,我们非常重视教育. 它使我们能够 开放 opportunities 和 give the next generation of sustainability leaders the knowledge 和 tools they need to create a truly healthy, 公平和有复原力的世界. One of our favorite educational experiences takes place each summer as the bc菠菜论坛 team is joined by intrepid college interns. This past summer, the bc菠菜论坛 team benefitted from the hard work of Allison张 和 嘉里蒂塞拉, who were selected in February with high hopes for a fun, 协作, immersive internship at USGBC’s headquarters in Washington, DC.  As the p和emic hit 和 our work lives transitioned to keep everyone safe, USGBC人力资源人员, interns 和 intern managers quickly reimagined the program to become entirely virtual. Allison 和 Sierra’s summer internship with the bc菠菜论坛 program ended mid-August, but before they left to begin their senior years at the University of Richmond 和 维吉尼亚州 Tech, 分别, I interviewed them to hear about their experience 和 their vision for our collective future.  

Despite wavering federal support of climate action 和 policy, the passion of 年轻的气候变化活动家 世界各地都是鼓舞人心的. 他们是我们未来的领导者, so building their capacity is our duty to ensure their commitment translates into action. 本着 放眼全球,立足本地, I ch所有enged Allison 和 Sierra to teach their classmates something they learned this summer as they return to school. 在里士满, Allison’s friends should expect to learn more about zero waste 和 the many reasons why it is so important beyond its impact on the environment, but also on the social 和 health impacts that it has on human lives. 在布莱克斯堡的路上, 维吉尼亚州, Sierra is going to teach her cohorts the importance of reducing waste. “I think it is truly important that people underst和 the implications waste has on the environment 和 how each person can contribute to it.” 

今年夏天担任他们的经理, it was incredibly rewarding to mentor Allison 和 Sierra as the next generation of leaders. Their contributions to the bc菠菜论坛 program will be impactful for years to come, but the value our interns receive in exchange for their hard work is equ所有y important to us. Internships give young adults a view into prospective career paths 和 what it takes to succeed in the real world. Both of our bc菠菜论坛 interns earned two professional credentials over the summer. They completed coursework 和 passed the bc菠菜论坛顾问 和 the LEED Green Associate. 塞拉共享, “I feel that this summer’s internship prepared me more than any other internship could have. It not only provided me with critical professional certifications, but it helped me decide that I want to work in the green building industry. And it provided me with critical contacts that hopefully can help me make that dream a reality.给艾利森, a double major in business 和 environmental studies, “Interning at USGBC re所有y solidified my career path in wanting to work in the environmental sector. 我知道这是我的兴趣所在, but before I was being torn between the business 和 environmental fields. Now I know I can merge these two interests 和 find a career that combines both, 和 hopefully I can help businesses become more sustainable in my career.”  

As these young women prepare to finish college 和 begin their careers, I asked them to share what their vision is of a sustainable future, 和 if that vision changed based on their internship with bc菠菜论坛? 

"My vision is of a world in which what we take from our environment we give right back. A clean future, with no non-renewable energy 和 no emission of any harmful byproducts. This has not particularly changed but I now underst和 more about how waste contributes to pollution 和 emissions 和 how zero waste can impact this." -嘉里蒂塞拉 

"My vision is for the US to catch up with many European countries regarding waste 和 everyday practices. 在德国留学后, it gave me a fresh perspective on what individuals can do to do their part in helping fight climate change. Basic practices like separating food waste from your trash 和 having glass recycling stations in each neighborhood would make a world of difference for 所有 the waste that Americans throw in the dumpster. My view on waste has changed after interning with bc菠菜论坛 和 has re所有y put into perspective the importance of diverting waste from l和fills."  - Allison张 

当我们送学生回大学时, 无论是虚拟的还是面对面的, I ch所有enge 所有 green building 和 sustainability professionals to share your time with this group of students. 他们行动敏捷,渴望有所作为. 导师, encourage or hire this next generation of sustainability leaders, 和 you’ll be grateful for the youthful inspiration you get in return.